法国三级片女皇Brigitte Lahaie系列之(四)
Brigitte Lahaie
Date of birth: October 12, 1955
Bio: Brigitte Lahaie is a radio talk show host, actress and French ex-porn actress. She began her career at age 20 and
performed in pornographic films from 1976 through 1980.
In 1980, at the height of her popularity, she decided to put an end to her hardcore career and appear in more traditional
movies, such as I as in Icarus (Henri Verneuil, 1980) in which she played a stripper, and Pour la peau d'un flic (Alain
Delon, 1981) in which she played a nurse. However, she also made some softcore and Nazi exploitation "video nasties" during
this time.
At the end of her acting career, she became famous to the more general public after appearing on the French radio show, Les
Grosses Tetes, broadcast on RTL.
She also recorded and released the single Caresse tendresse, in an effort to start a singing career. She met with neither
commercial nor critical success.
She is now the host, on RMC Info, of Lahaie, l'Amour et Vous. The show airs daily, from 14:00 to 16:00, and mostly deals
with topics of love and sexual relations. She is also a hostess on a French X-rated TV cable-channel talk show.
Brigitte Lahaie is also an avid fan of equestrianism, an interest first inspired when she saw the movie White Mane as a
teenager. more info »
Alternate Names: Brigitte Bordeaux | Brigitte Deslages | B. Lahaye | Brigette Lahaye | Brigitte Lahaye | Brigitte Simonin
| Brigitte Van Meerhaegue | Brigitte van Meerhaegue
Most frequent partners in DVD/Films: Richard Lemieuvre Dominique Aveline Alban Ceray
演一个脱衣舞,POUR LA peau D'UN FLIC(1981)阿兰·德龙,她在其中扮演一名护士。然而,她在这段时间内也取得了一些色情书刊和纳粹剥削“视频
她还记录和努力开始歌唱生涯中发布的单Caresse tendresse。她会见了既不商业也不是成功的关键。
624 MB 1976 Les Plaisirs fous.avi
201 MB 1977 Arsene Lupin.avi
669 MB 1977 Belles D 'un Soir.avi
875 MB 1977 Belles D'un Soir (En).mp4
1.03 GB 1977 Cathy fille soumise.avi
704 MB 1977 Education of the Baroness.avi
686 MB 1977 Entrecuisses (Possessions).avi
251 MB 1977 Esclaves Sexuelles Sur Catalogue.AVI
822 MB 1977 Je Suis Une Belle Salope.avi
696 MB 1977 La Perversion D'une Jeune Mariee.avi
700 MB 1977 La Vitrine Du Plaisir (Education of the Baroness Backstage).avi
662 MB 1977 Parties De Chasse En Sologne (En).avi
699 MB 1977 Parties De Chasse En Sologne.avi
623 MB 1977 Sexuelle Vibrationen.avi
701 MB 1977 Vibrations Sexuelles.avi
698 MB 1978 Africa Erotica (aka An Happening in Africa).avi
686 MB 1978 Autostoppeuses en chaleur.avi
699 MB 1978 Blondes humides.avi
699 MB 1978 Bordello SS.avi
687 MB 1978 Call Girls de Luxe.avi
1.09 GB 1978 Corpi D'Amore.avi
662 MB 1978 Couple Cherche Esclaves Sexuels.avi
781 MB 1978 Cuisses infernales.avi
1.46 GB 1978 Fievres nocturnes (aka Les grandes jouisseuses) .avi
698 MB 1978 Je Suis A Prendre.avi
1000 MB 1978 L'amour C'est Mon Metier.avi
647 MB 1978 La Clinique Des Fantasmes (aka Exzesse in der Frauenklinik).avi
555 MB 1978 La Maison Des Phantasmes.avi
686 MB 1978 La rabatteuse.avi
695 MB 1978 Les raisins de la mort.avi
640 MB 1978 Ondees Brulantes (aka Burning Showers).avi
295 MB 1978 Pornoroulette.wmv
1.10 GB 1979 Fascination.avi
703 MB 1979 Ich will nur ficken.mp4
895 MB 1979 Les Delices De L'Adultere.mp4
1.10 GB 1979 Penetrez Moi Par Le Petit Trou.avi
546 MB 1979 Photos scandales.avi
700 MB 1979 Sechs Schwedinnen im Pensionat (aka Six Swedish Girls in a Boarding School, aka Amorous Sisters).avi
614 MB 1979 Secretaires sans culotte.avi
777 MB 1979 Tout Pour Jouir (aka Les Enfilees).avi
628 MB 1979 Une Femme Speciale (aka A Very Special Woman).avi
782 MB 1980 Die Nichten Der Frau Oberst.divx
700 MB 1980 Gefangene Frauen (aka Women's Penitentiary VII, aka Miss beautiful Breast Award).avi
672 MB 1980 Invasione api Regine.avi
707 MB 1980 Julchen & Jettchen (aka Amorous Sisters).avi
771 MB 1980 Le Journal Erotique D'une Thailandaise.avi
651 MB 1980 Le Retour Des Veuves (aka Take me down).avi
1.26 GB 1980 Les petites ecolieres.avi
628 MB 1980 Maitresse Pour Couple.avi
848 MB 1980 Paul Raymonds Erotica.avi
802 MB 1980 Secrets D' Adolescentes.avi
682 MB 1980 The Night of the Hunted.avi
310 MB 1981 Baisers exotiques.avi
740 MB 1981 Sechs Schwedinnen von der Tankstelle.avi
696 MB 1985 Joy And Joan.avi
493 MB 1986 Le Couteau Sous La Gorge.avi
402 MB 1987 Faceless.mkv
699 MB 2004 The Ordeal (aka Calvaire).avi
http://oron.com/16wllz0k2loq/Edu ... ness.part2.rar.html
http://oron.com/chom2dy1tp8d/Edu ... ness.part3.rar.html
http://www.prolifico.nl/74hf9hmm ... auen.part2.rar.html
http://www.prolifico.nl/iqu3af75 ... auen.part3.rar.html
Brigitte Lahaie
Date of birth: October 12, 1955
Bio: Brigitte Lahaie is a radio talk show host, actress and French ex-porn actress. She began her career at age 20 and
performed in pornographic films from 1976 through 1980.
In 1980, at the height of her popularity, she decided to put an end to her hardcore career and appear in more traditional
movies, such as I as in Icarus (Henri Verneuil, 1980) in which she played a stripper, and Pour la peau d'un flic (Alain
Delon, 1981) in which she played a nurse. However, she also made some softcore and Nazi exploitation "video nasties" during
this time.
At the end of her acting career, she became famous to the more general public after appearing on the French radio show, Les
Grosses Tetes, broadcast on RTL.
She also recorded and released the single Caresse tendresse, in an effort to start a singing career. She met with neither
commercial nor critical success.
She is now the host, on RMC Info, of Lahaie, l'Amour et Vous. The show airs daily, from 14:00 to 16:00, and mostly deals
with topics of love and sexual relations. She is also a hostess on a French X-rated TV cable-channel talk show.
Brigitte Lahaie is also an avid fan of equestrianism, an interest first inspired when she saw the movie White Mane as a
teenager. more info »
Alternate Names: Brigitte Bordeaux | Brigitte Deslages | B. Lahaye | Brigette Lahaye | Brigitte Lahaye | Brigitte Simonin
| Brigitte Van Meerhaegue | Brigitte van Meerhaegue
Most frequent partners in DVD/Films: Richard Lemieuvre Dominique Aveline Alban Ceray
演一个脱衣舞,POUR LA peau D'UN FLIC(1981)阿兰·德龙,她在其中扮演一名护士。然而,她在这段时间内也取得了一些色情书刊和纳粹剥削“视频
她还记录和努力开始歌唱生涯中发布的单Caresse tendresse。她会见了既不商业也不是成功的关键。
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